Controversy around the episodes of Van Gogh's painting

The Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands claims that practicing the painting is believed to be by Vincent Van Gogh, is actually a copy of his works.

Art historian Bogomila Welsh-Ovcharov on November 15 launched a book containing prints of many sketches believed to be the famous Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. However, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the leading research agency for this painting, claims this is only copies, Reuters said.

Sketches are found in a warehouse in the city of Arles, southern France. Franck Baile, who manages an auction company in Paris, asked Welsh-Ovcharov to verify its authenticity.

Picture 1 of Controversy around the episodes of Van Gogh's painting
The book gathers a printout of sketches thought to be by Van Gogh.(Photo: Reuters).

"I was very surprised when I saw the sketch book. I have encountered many fake paintings of Van Gogh's works. However, with these sketches, I see all the common elements in Van Gogh's drawing. ", Welsh-Ovcharov said.

According to Welsh-Ovcharov and Seuil publisher, the sketch was painted by Van Gogh when he moved to the city of Arles in 1888.

Meanwhile, Van Gogh Museum said, their experts have studied high quality images taken of 56 drawings in a total of 65 photos published in the book.

"Based on years of experience researching Van Gogh's works in museum collections and many other places, experts say these paintings are copies of his works. They have studying the drawings, techniques and pictorial depictions in sketches, the conclusion is that these works have errors in terrain drawing, proving that their creators have copied on Van Gogh's faded drawings , " said Van Gogh Museum.

However, Welsh-Ovcharov denied this conclusion . "Van Gogh Museum only sees photos of high-definition drawings. Making the decision about a piece of art based on a photo is the worst thing anyone can do , " Welsh-Ovcharov to speak.