Couple of spacecraft studying the moon

Although humans were able to set foot on the surface of Ms. Hang 42 years ago, we still have too little information about the moon as well as understanding its formation.

Therefore, the US Space Administration (NASA) decided to let two spacecraft fly around Ms Hang in the same orbit to continue studying in the GRAIL program.

Picture 1 of Couple of spacecraft studying the moon

This pair of probes will fly around the moon to gather its structural information from surface to depth in the core, while improving understanding of the moon's thermal evolution. Another task is to gather information to map the moon's gravitational field.

Two spacecraft will fly over areas with greater and smaller gravity to compare differences such as mountains, craters . The distance will be calculated by Lunar Gravity Ranging system, which can be measured. the difference is only a few microns, which is, for example, only the diameter of a red blood cell. The information collected will be constantly transferred back to earth to be assembled into a high resolution map.

Interestingly, a set of cameras called MoonKAM will collect images to provide for the public program. Especially high school students in the US are required to study these images within 80 days.

According to the Daily Mail newspaper, the spacecraft duo is expected to go through the final inspection on September 8, 2011 and will be on the way to execute the task on October 19, 2011.