Create Autorun for CD containing documents in 3 seconds

Picture 1 of Create Autorun for CD containing documents in 3 seconds In just 3 seconds, you can create autorun functions for documents on CDs using the free 1st AutoRun Express utility. Instead of searching for a bunch of documents scattered across folders, now when the CD is inserted into the drive, the document will automatically run.

To do that, you only need a small, free utility, 1st AutoRun Express, download the program at (capacity 990 KB)

User manual:

After installing and running the program, proceed to the instructions of 1st AutoRun Express.

Step1 : Select the folder that will copy the files to the CD.

Step 2 : Select Autorun type.

- If you want to insert a CD into the drive, automatically a file will automatically activate, you check the option "Launch a single propram or document, without user interaction"

- If you want a window to appear and you will use the mouse, click on the document to run, select 'Display menu and let user choose what to run'. Click Next. The next window will be where you select the document.

Step 3 : The next window will ask you to name the window title, title for the CD . Click Next, Finish to complete. For the rest of the work, just copy all the files in the created folder to the CD. It's done.

Minh Hieu