Create human heart from stem cells

Stem cell researchers in Hong Kong and the United States are trying to develop replacement parts for people with stem cell heart disease within the next five years.

The team will include scientists from Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Hong Kong National Institute of Health (NIH) and Mount Sinai Medical School in the United States.

Scientists have created heart muscle from stem cells to replace some of the damaged parts of heart disease and create natural heart beats with an artificial pacemaker. They want to grow more so that they function like the original heart.

Picture 1 of Create human heart from stem cells

According to Ronald Li, director of the University of Hong Kong's Stem Cells Association , "A part or part of a cell that grows from a person's stem cell is only possible. apply to that person '.

Scientists plan to test the heart muscle and pacemaker on the first pig. Because their hearts and other functions are similar to humans. And if successful, they will move on to humans by using the patient's own stem cells for about five years.

However, the question is whether this heart muscle and artificial pacemaker are included in humans, do they integrate with other parts? Even when integrated, will it work normally and how long?

Scientists also hope that by the end of the five-year term, they will achieve different test patterns that can be tested.

Stem cells are the source of all body cells and tissues. They can create all kinds of organ cells. Scientists hope to exploit stem cells to treat a variety of diseases and disorders such as diabetes, cancer and trauma.