Created the lightest material in the world

German researchers say they have made the world's lightest material, a network of spongy carbon fiber pipes they call Aerographite, according to UPI.

Scientists from the University of Kiel and Hamburg University of Technology said, the pipe on which are interwoven three-dimensional nano and micro level, has formed a material that weighs just 0.2 milligrams weight / cm 3 , which is nearly 400 times lighter than the typical Styrofoam material.

Picture 1 of Created the lightest material in the world
Aerographite material

Aerographite is black, stable and conducive, ductile and opaque, the researchers said.

Matthias Mecklenburg and colleagues say that while most lightweight materials can withstand compression but do not stretch, Aerographite has both.

Possible uses of this new material could be to manufacture ultra-lightweight batteries that conduct electricity for synthetic materials such as plastics, or in electronics for aerospace and satellite applications. can withstand high vibration.