Lightest solid material in the world

Researchers at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China have successfully developed the lightest solid material in the world.

Picture 1 of Lightest solid material in the world
Lightest solid material in the world can be balanced by cherry petals - (Photo: Daily Mail)

This solid material is shaped like a sponge, made from frozen dry carbon and graphene oxide. The weight of the new solid material even lighter than helium about 0.16 milligrams / cm 3.

The unique combination of graphene and carbon has spurred a new industrial revolution based on biodegradable and impact-resistant components.

With this unique structure, the new solid material is very lightweight, highly resistant and flexible. Scientists have succeeded in balancing this solid material on cherry blossoms.

Graphene is the lightest material in the world, hailed as a marvelous material, promising explosive growth in materials science, with potentially infinite potential. Two-dimensional graphene material gives the Nobel Prize in physics honor to two professors Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov.