Decipher the cause of diabetes due to obesity

Scientists at the Research Institute of Walter and Eliza Hall, Melbourne, Australia have recently discovered cells that stimulate fat tissue, causing the human body to react to the effects of insulin - a form of substance that causes type 2 diabetes.

Picture 1 of Decipher the cause of diabetes due to obesity

Illustration.Source: Internet

The results of the study will help develop a drug to prevent insulin in controlling blood sugar, in areas where the human body is unable to use hormones to convert food into energy.

Scientists say the overweight immune system always reacts to fatty tissues, creating negative effects including antagonizing the amount of insulin in the blood.

This also explains why diabetes is a common disease in the Australian Aboriginal community, who have a strong immune response to insulin intake.

More than 50% of adults in Australia are overweight and there are about 1.2 million people with type 2 diabetes. The study conducted fatty tissue analysis of more than 100 people in Victoria who have experienced through surgery to reduce obesity in the past 4 years.

Professor Len Harrison and Dr. John Wentworth said it was the stimulation of adipose tissue that developed in obese patients who caused diabetes.

This point of view is somewhat different when assessing the association between body weight and diabetes development, while opening up the possibility of developing treatments to prevent adipose tissue stimulation in diabetic patients. Street.

This can be considered the most effective and thorough treatment today compared to conventional therapies.

Lead researcher Professor Harrison said that a high-protein diet will stimulate immune cells and create an insulin-resistance regime, so the study plays a very important role in the treatment of obesity to eliminating health risks as well as expensive treatment costs today.