Decipher the mystery who runs on molten lava

Netizens are "feverish" in front of a video of a man running on molten lava flowing from the volcano Etna in Sicily, Italy. A geological expert confirmed that this feat is completely real.

In the video posted on YouTube, the main character - who is cited as "a lava artisan" - runs 5 steps on a lava stream flowing from the top of the mountain half. A colleague of mine stood beside him and constantly watched you.

When the man completed the last step, under the sole of his right foot shoe, a red flame rose.

In the blog about his volcanic eruptions, geologist Erik Klemetti from Denis University (USA) explains: "When you look carefully at the video, you will see lava flow moving quite slowly and have a layer. Darkening over it, this means that the lava surface has cooled down . The coating forms quickly on the surface of lava flows because of the large temperature difference between lava (nearly 1,000 degree C) and air (about 25 degrees Celsius), so lava on the surface coagulates into a relatively flexible, viscous crust than water. "

Picture 1 of Decipher the mystery who runs on molten lava

Based on the position of the two men in the video, and the colleague standing less than 1 meter away from the lava flow, expert Klemetti said that the width of the lava flow is quite modest and away from the volcanic mouth of the volcano. Lava flows seem to be confined to a small canal surrounded by hard lava.

According to geologist, if the lava flow has a "good" coating and moves slowly while the man moves fast enough, his body weight won't be enough to make him sink into the lava stream.

In a previous blog post, Klametti revealed that, if he fell into a lava, the water inside his body would be boiled, turned into a vapor and the victim would explode from within. The expert stressed that running on the flow of lava flow is completely possible without any serious consequences, if we choose cold lava flow and slow flow, we must move Transfer very fast and lucky.