Decipher the secret that makes parrots talk

Different structures within the parrot brain make them capable of mimicking human sounds and speech.

Why do parrots talk?

"This discovery opens a major pathway in parrot research, understanding how parrots handle the information they need to mimic strange sounds and human voices," said Mukta Chakraborty, Duke's doctorate, America, said.

Picture 1 of Decipher the secret that makes parrots talk
The parrot's brain has a different structure than that of other birds.(Photo: Alamy)

According to Telegraph, new research examines the brains of eight different parrot species in Australia, New Zealand, Amazon, South America and Africa. The results showed that, in addition to the " core" center inside the brain that helps parrots control vocal learning, parrots also have "shells ", or "outer rings" related to the process of speaking.

The oldest Kea parrots in New Zealand have an early "shell" structure. The nerve cells in the shell can form at least 29 million years ago. Most of the parrot's brain region is located in the area of ​​the brain that controls movement , making some species of parrots capable of learning to dance to music.