Decode the mysteries of the body
The liver regains its original size after surgery, the salivary glands secrete 1.5 liters per day, the body begins to decompose immediately after 4 minutes of stopping breathing .
When breaking your knuckles, your toes will have a "crackling" sound.
When cracking joints from fingers, toes to the neck, hips, backs, knees . will have a " crunch " cry. Basically, the cause of this sound has so far been limited to scientific hypotheses, and the hypothesis concerning the gap between the two joints is the best. Specifically, the joint between the two joints includes ligaments, connective tissue and covering them is a thick amount of joint fluid . When the joint is broken, the connective tissue in the finger, the foot increases the volume, reduces the pressure in the joint, the fluid gradually changes into bubbles in the hole and until the lowest pressure, these bubbles Explode and make sounds like above.
Sweat escaped from the body without smell.
The sweat drops out of our body without smell. After a period of secretion to the surface of the skin, sweat is produced by bacteria on the skin to ferment , thereby causing odor.
A drop of blood contains about 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000 platelets.
Did you know that a drop of blood contains about 10,000 white blood cells and 250,000 platelets.
The brain gradually improves with the development of the fetus.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, our brain has almost no wrinkles. Along with the development of pregnancy, the brain gradually improves. By the 40th week, the brain was almost shaped.
The liver has the ability to regrow its original size.
The liver has a great ability to repair and repair itself after surgery . It will regrow its original size in about three months.
People can produce 1.5 liters of saliva every day.
Do you know that salivary glands can produce up to 6 cups of saliva each day. This means they can produce 1.5 liters of saliva each day .
The human body decomposes after stopping breathing for only 4 minutes.
Our body decomposes immediately after 4 minutes of stopping our last breath . This process is called " self-digestion ", in which enzymes and bacteria break down the body.
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