Decode the phenomenon of soul left off

People who are about to die when they wake up often say that they see themselves walking towards the light or flying out of their bodies.

After studying the brain waves of dying patients, American scientists found that their electrical activity increased suddenly at death. Scientists at George Washington University believe that this spike may cause the dying person to find himself entering the afterlife, following the example of white light or disembody.

Some people from the dead returned to see religious figures like Jesus, Muhammad, and Krishna. Others said they were filled with a sense of peace when they started entering the light-filled tunnel.

Picture 1 of Decode the phenomenon of soul left off

The phenomenon of "the soul left the body" may be due to a sudden increase in electricity in the brain.

Dr. Lakhmir Chawla and colleagues used a device to measure brain activity for nearly 60 dying patients. Scientists found that the patient's brainwave activity at death was suddenly increased and lasted from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.'We think that the phenomenon of dying people who see their souls leave the body may be due to the increase in electric energy when the brain runs out of oxygen. When blood flow slows and oxygen levels drop sharply, brain cells produce the final electrical impulse. It starts from a part of the brain and quickly spreads around, causing a strong feeling, ' he said.

A study in the Netherlands showed that one in five cases of cardiac arrest experienced a feeling of being separated from the body and after escaping death, these people felt happier, more altruistic and less afraid of death.

Source: Daily Mail, The Times