Detect the origin of the story

According to British scientists, the story "Red Riding Hood" has the same roots as "The Goat and the Wolf".

Probably the story "Little Red Riding Hood" with the image of a little girl crossing the forest to bring her cake to her grandmother is familiar to us. However, the new study of Durham University's folklore has shown that the origin of this story can appear long before that.

Picture 1 of Detect the origin of the story

Anthropologist Jamie Tehrani - in charge of research, said the French folk tale has many similarities with an ancient story in Europe and the Middle East called 'The Goat and the Wolf'.

Similar to the fact that humans and primates share common ancestors, these two stories are most likely derived from the same origin and evolved over time and space.

Picture 2 of Detect the origin of the story

In order to prove that "Red Riding Hood" has the same roots as the "Herd of Goats and Wolves" , Mr Tehrani used a method of genomic analysis in biology with stories of similar content. copper. According to him, folk tales are an ideal base for research to develop species because they are created by the community and word of mouth from one life to another so the content is improved and changed over time.

Tehrani focuses on 72 variables in the storylines, such as the personality of the main character and the villain, the antagonist trick used to deceive the victims and the last victim to escape or suffer. eat meat. This helped him realize how the story circulated so far formed after centuries of word of mouth.

Picture 3 of Detect the origin of the story
The picture depicts the story of "The Goat and the Wolf".

Accordingly, "The herd of goats and wolves" originated from an ancient story of the Greek writer - Aesop around 400. The story tells that the mother's goat before leaving home told her children carefully. I must not open the door to strangers. However, a sinister wolf played a fake goat to trick her cubs.

Meanwhile, "Little Red Riding Hood" came from a Latin poem in the 11th century, composed by a monk in Liege (Belgium). However, Tehrani's research shows that both of these stories share the same deep and historically branched origins that change gradually according to different cultures.

Picture 4 of Detect the origin of the story

For example, in China, people mix " Little Red Riding Hood", "Little Goat and Wolf" and local stories to create a completely new version. Interestingly, the Chinese version was composed by poet Huang Zhing, at the same time as the French author - Charles Perrault - who composed the " Little Red Riding Hood" version in the seventeenth century.

The fact that different variations of the same story appear in many cultures and countries shows that these are the values ​​that people feel memorable so they are widely circulated and not lost. over the centuries.

In the above-mentioned stories, the point to remember is that survival is expressed in the language and understandings appropriate for children. For example, listening to parents' instructions, threats from predators (both literally and figuratively), talking animals .