Find out the mysterious origin of the

For decades, scientists have worked out the mystery of the origin of neutrinos, also known as 'ghost particles' because they have absolutely no mass. Recent findings by scientists show that the origin of this subatomic particle may be from the center of the Earth.

'Ghost seeds' originate from the center of the Earth

This study was conducted in an underground laboratory in Italy. The results also reveal what radioactive elements are in the heart of the Earth and what the mechanism of radioactivity produces in heat and energy within the Earth.

Picture 1 of Find out the mysterious origin of the
The center of the earth is a giant fission reactor.

Neutrinos produced by nuclear reactions involve the decay of unsustainable atoms. These particles are extremely small and lighter than electrons by up to 500,000 times, so scientists stipulate that they have no mass and are also called subatomic particles , another nickname 'ghost particles'.

The core of Earth has a temperature 20 times higher than all our nuclear reactors combined. While most of this heat is due to the formation of the Earth, another amount of heat is generated by the decay of radioactive elements.

Scientists at Gran Sasso Laboratory, located 1.5 km below the ground in the Apennine Mountains , Italy, used the Borexino machine to detect neutrinos to study and find the true source of these grains.

Picture 2 of Find out the mysterious origin of the
Special Gran Sasso laboratory underground.

The Borexino machine uses up to 2,200 sensors to detect the slightest sign of light rays produced by neutrinos, when these particles interact with 200 tons of special fluids placed in a giant sphere. giant

Results showed that 24 geoneutrinos were detected, geoneutrino particles were created after neutrinos acted on other atomic particles. Scientists also calculated and judged that 70% of the heat source in the center of the Earth is generated by radioactivity.

Picture 3 of Find out the mysterious origin of the
Neutrino has many mysteries that scientists have not yet discovered.

Neutrinos are strange particles that carry many mysteries that scientists cannot explain. In the past, we only discovered neutrino particles outside the universe, but with this new research result, scientists will have a new basis to study this type of particles.

The neutrinos move very fast, close to the speed of light and thus carry very large energy. The note of a study shows that neutrinos can have 1,000 times the energy of a proton in an LHC particle accelerator. The study of neutrinos will help us better understand the nature of the universe.