German-Japanese scientists have proposed one
About a trillion tiny particles called neutrinos pass through you every second. Created in the Big Bang, these primordial neutrinos exist throughout the entire universe, but they
The research team at Fermilab will observe ghost particles traveling 1,287 km between detectors, thereby uncovering the mysteries of the universe.
According to Cnet, many news sites quickly spread the news about NASA's findings, but misunderstood the nature.
Some high-energy neutrinos are absorbed when passing through the Earth.
For decades, scientists have worked out the mystery of the origin of neutrinos, or
The black hole is about the same size as the atomic nucleus, the galaxy
We only know a very small part of the material that constitutes the universe. A very large part is called with the name
Super-speed stars, dark energy, dark matter, black holes, neutinos ... are the secrets of space science that will discover in 2012.
Scientists from the European Atomic Research Organization say they have discovered a type of particle that can move faster than light.