10 mysteries in the universe

Super-speed stars, dark energy, dark matter, black holes, neutinos . are the secrets of space science that will discover in 2012.

10. The 'super speed' star

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In 2005, astronauts discovered the first super-speed star belonging to a galaxy at a speed of nearly 530 miles per second (10 times faster than a normal star). There are many ideas about the movement of stars but are not sure, either from an explosion of supernovae or large black holes.

9. Black hole

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Beyond the boundary of a black hole or its scope, even light cannot escape. Astrophysicists think that when the star fades about three to 20 times the mass of the sun can form strange objects. At the center of the galaxy, black holes are about 10,000 to 18 billion times heavier than the sun, expanding by swallowing gas, dust, stars and small black holes.

8. Magnetars

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Like a ballet artist, when he folded his arm inside, the change of size turned the neutron star and made its magnetic field out of control. Calculations show that these objects have the Earth's stronger temporary magnetic field about a million billion times. It is powerful enough to destroy your credit card from a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles and distort the atom into a thin cylinder.

7. Neutrinos

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Pull the coin out of the bag and hold it for about 1 second to guess what it is. About 150 billion microscopic particles called neutrinos pass through without ever feeling their existence. Scientists discovered that they originated from stars (existing or exploded), nuclear materials and from the Big Bang. Basic particles have three basic properties, seemingly disappearing like ideas. Because neutrinos sometimes interact with "normal" matter like water and mineral oil, scientists hope they can use them as a telescope to consider the components of the universe that are obscured by dust and gas.

6. 'Black' material

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If you put all the energy and cosmic material into a cake and shake it up, the result will probably be unthinkable. All the planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids, dust we know about in the universe are only about 4%. Most of them are called matter - about 23% of the universe is visible to the naked eye and by tools. Scientists can see the gravitational pull of 'black' matter towards stars and galaxies, but are looking for ways to detect it. They think that it is similar to a large neutrino that may not be a mystery, not visible.

5. 'Black' energy

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Continuing with similarity to the piece, black energy is part of Garfield - about 73% of the known universe. It flooded all the space and pushed galaxies farther apart with faster and faster speeds. Some cosmologists believe that this expansion will make the Milky Way galaxy "a cosmic island" for several trillion years. However, it is also suggested that black energy will overcome gravity to disassemble stars and planets, forces that hold particles together, molecules in particles, and eventually atoms and subatomic particles.

4. Planets

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It sounds strange because we live on the planet but actually the planets are the mysterious things in the universe. So far, no theory can explain how gas and dust around stars form planets. We have only discovered a few planets in the solar system but the mysteries in it are still a secret.

3. Gravity

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The forces that help the stars burn, the planets are bound together and the orbits are one of the most common but weakest things in the universe. Scientists have built many equations and models to describe and predict the force, but its origin in the problem is still completely mysterious.

2. Life

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Material and energy are abundant in the universe but only a few places can form life. The basic components and conditions necessary for this are more concerned than ever. However, the correct formulas from basic elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitro make up a creature that is a complete mystery.

1. The universe

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The universe is the biggest and final mystery that we cannot know. Based on what is known as cosmic waves (and other evidence), scientists think that the universe formed from a "Big Bang" explosion - an expansion of energy from a very hot and heavy state. Describing the time before this event is impossible. However, studying the atoms that formed right after the Big Bang could shed light on the mysterious existence of the universe.