Detecting celestial bodies coming from the Second Solar System in the universe

Scientists confirm that the mysterious object that passed by the Sun last month came from another solar system in the universe.

The mysterious object is named 1I / 2017 U1 ('Oumuamua). Scientists believe it is one of tens of thousands of unidentified objects in the universe and comes from another Solar System.

According to Guardian, the conclusion about the origin of this celestial body comes from the process of analyzing its orbit. Besides, observing through a telescope shows that 'Oumuamua has similarities with some of our inner comets and asteroids.

Picture 1 of Detecting celestial bodies coming from the Second Solar System in the universe

Image simulating Oumuamua. Photo: Getty.

'Oumuamua is said to be a dark object, absorbing 96% of the light on the surface. Its red color is a sign of the existence of organic molecules, one of the basic factors that make up life.

Scientists once thought that the organic molecules that appear on Earth are due to collisions of comets and asteroids in the universe. 'Oumuamua shows a similar process that can take place in another Solar System.

Two research groups observed 'Oumuamua over and concluded that it was about 400m long. In addition, astronomers at the University of California think about 10,000 flying objects of this type are very close, but they are not identified.

Picture 2 of Detecting celestial bodies coming from the Second Solar System in the universe

Orbit of 'Oumuamua in the Solar System. Graphics: Guardian.

Because of high speed movement, these objects are not affected by gravity from the Sun. They take about a decade to enter and exit our Solar System.

If scientists' calculations were accurate, every day, about three such objects would reach the Solar System while the other three "would go".

Previously, the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS 1 discovered that the celestial body flew through the Sun for the first time on October 19. NASA said the object was safely traveling through the Earth on October 14 at a distance of 24 million kilometers, 60 times the distance to the Moon.

Video about Oumuamua celestial body