Minor Pluto - The celestial body farthest from the solar system

Astronomers discovered that the new dwarf planet is about half the size of Pluto in the furthest part of the solar system.

Discover the most distant dwarf planet in the solar system

According to IB Times, the celestial body named V774104 is a stone planet with a diameter of 500-1,000 km, about 103 astronomical units (equivalent to 15.5 billion km). For comparison, Pluto - the furthest planet ever visited by unmanned spacecraft - is 5.9 billion km from the Sun.

Picture 1 of Minor Pluto - The celestial body farthest from the solar system
Illustration of dwarf planet Sedna.(Photo: NASA / Reuters).

V774104 was discovered by the Subaru telescope in Hawaii, USA. Two other bodies discovered in this space are Sedna and 2012 VP113 .

"We have no information about its trajectory. We only know this is the most distant celestial body ever recorded , " said Scott Sheppard, a Carnegie Institute scientist, announcing the discovery at the annual meeting of Planetary Science Department of the American Astronomical Association on November 9 in Maryland, Washington.

Scientists are unsure about the origins and trajectories of dwarf planets such as 2012 VP113 and Sedna because of the distance away from their Sun, making research difficult. One theory is that their orbit is overturned by a planet fired from the ring in the solar system billions of years ago.

Another possibility is that these objects are pushed away from the Sun by a nearby star around the time the Sun was formed." Sedna and VP113 are the only solar system bodies whose orbit cannot be explained through objects in the system, " said Michael Brown, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology.