Scientists have discovered that the dwarf planet called 2014 UZ224 is 8.5 billion light-years from Earth.

A team of astronomers, including researchers from the University of British Columbia (Canada), have discovered a new dwarf planet farther away than Neptune in the Solar System.

Image data of the latest Pluto analysis has just been announced by NASA. In this picture, it is seen that a thin cloud envelops the dwarf planet's atmosphere.

Researchers believe that the diameter of 2007 OR10 is 1,535km. At this size, 2007 OR10 will be the third largest dwarf planet in the solar system.

Don't miss the opportunity to admire the precious images of Makemake dwarf planet.

Not the planet, not comets like the long-standing statements about Pluto. Data analysis from New Horizons spacecraft revealed a very different reality ...

NASA has just published a picture depicting a deep pit shaped like a large lake that once existed on the surface of Pluto.

On Charon - the largest satellite (or moon) of Pluto - there may have been an ocean that covered the surface before it froze and expanded, causing the planet's crust to stretch and

Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology announced the discovery of credible evidence of the 9th planet of the Solar System.

Astronomers discovered that the new dwarf planet is about half the size of Pluto in the furthest part of the solar system.