Detecting weird ghosts only contains 0.01% stars

Close in size to the galaxy Milky Way, another strange galaxy known as the universe's most spooky galaxy with no-one features.

Accordingly, the spotted galaxy is named Dragonfly 4 4. The latest discovery shows that this galaxy is almost 99.99% dark matter , everything in this galaxy exists in the form of mysterious, invisible while only 0.01% of small stars are found to exist in this galaxy system.

Picture 1 of Detecting weird ghosts only contains 0.01% stars
Photo source: Space.

Dragonfly 44 is considered a giant galaxy about the same size as the Milky Way galaxy , 300 million light years from our Earth and it only generates an average of 1% of light in the active cycle.

Picture 2 of Detecting weird ghosts only contains 0.01% stars
Photo source: Space.

A group of scientists led by Dr. Van Dokkum said that the fact that a galaxy of such a size has absolutely few stars exists and lives, is a strange phenomenon. The cause may come from the fact that in this galaxy system has little gravity, or the gravitational force is very weak, unable to hold, attract or attract other stars to live.