Detection of giant poisonous snakes in Kenya

A giant, 2.7 meter long African cobra and a venom containing enough to kill at least 15 people, was discovered on a Kenyan snake farm.

Picture 1 of Detection of giant poisonous snakes in Kenya WildlifeDirect said that this species is the largest in the world and completely unique. The animal was named Naja Ashei, named James Ashem - who founded the Bio-Ken snake farm in Kenya, where it was found.

"The discovery of this poisonous snake snake is interesting and reinforces that there are many other species not yet known, while hundreds of species are gradually lost to their homes, due to the lack of strict planetary management " Our president, said Richard Leakey , president of the organization.

Bio-Ken Royjan Taylor director also identified the discovery of new species as an opportunity to raise awareness for solid conservation organizations as well as finding ways to cure these extremely toxic snake bites.