Determine the control area of ​​aging in the brain

The world has had the opportunity to find a way to "improve old age" after scientists of Albert Einstein Medicine Medical University (USA) announced that it has identified an area in the brain that can control the aging process. on the body, and is working to adjust the life of a laboratory mouse based on this finding.

The announcement was published in the British Natural Science magazine on May 1.

Picture 1 of Determine the control area of ​​aging in the brain

Scientists say the brain area they just identified is the region that governs growth, reproduction and metabolism in the process of gradual and coordinated degradation in the body that we still call too "aging" process.

Scientists can increase or decelerate the aging process in mice by activating or inhibiting the NF-kB molecule signaling in the brain, such as regulating the body's response to inflammation. This intervention will affect the amount of hormone GnRH that plays the role of processing data in the nervous system.

By stimulating NF-kB, they reduced the amount of GnRH causing neurological and aging weakness symptoms such as muscle weakness, wrinkles, osteoporosis and memory loss. The aging process in mice is slowed by adding them to the hormone GnRH.

Dongsheng Cai, a professor of molecular pharmacology and lead author of the study, said that the team's study provides strategies to slow down the aging process by affecting the brain. This is itself a breakthrough because it can fight many age-related diseases.

He also expressed hope that mouse tests will bring safe and reliable applications to humans.