Diet for patients with fatty liver

Fatty liver is when the amount of fat in the liver is over 5% of the weight of the liver and in the liver cells containing fat cells. Shiitake, vegetables, lotus leaf porridge . are good dishes for fatty liver patients.

Picture 1 of Diet for patients with fatty liver

Vegetables need (Photo: TTO)

In accordance with the development of the economy, people's living standards are increasingly improved, the incidence of fatty liver disease also increases.

Characteristic of this disease is the deposition of lipid droplets in liver cells, mainly triglycerides, visible under optical and electronic microscopes. The disease progresses silently, mainly detecting accidental liver ultrasound during periodic health checks.

In traditional medicine there is no fatty liver disease but based on clinical symptoms, it is possible to see that the disease is in the 'accumulation' range. In terms of treatment, the measures are very rich, but the problem of abstinence in eating and using dishes - remedies has a very important role. So what should people eat with fatty liver?

Corn: This is a cereal that is especially suitable for people with fatty liver. According to research results of modern medicine, corn contains many unsaturated fatty acids capable of promoting the metabolism of fat in general and cholesterol in particular. According to the concept of traditional school nutrition, sweet corn is average, it can be used to regulate taste, diuretic, often used for cases of weak spleen, poor appetite, low water stagnation, urination benefit, edema, dyslipidemia, coronary insufficiency. Commonly used as a cake or corn flour porridge.

Nymphs: Salty sweet, average, has useful benefits for spleen, except for the thirst. According to modern pharmacology, pupae work to reduce serum cholesterol and improve liver function. Used in the form of dishes or powdered drink.

The record: Experimental research results show that, euphoria acts to inhibit the process of fat accumulation in liver cells, promote the proliferation of liver cells and improve fat metabolism.

Shiitake: The ideal food for people with fatty liver. In mushrooms, mushrooms contain substances that reduce blood cholesterol and liver cells. Often used in the form of food to prepare dishes.

Tea leaves: Folk experience suggests that tea leaves work to remove fat supplements. Modern research shows that tea has the ability to increase the elasticity of the arteries, reduce blood cholesterol and prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Lotus leaf: It also works to reduce blood fat, reduce fat and prevent fat accumulation in liver cells. Used in the form of braking with boiling water to drink tea or cook lotus leaf porridge.

Vegetables need: Contains a lot of vitamins, has the effect of cooling the liver, lowering blood cholesterol, promoting the process of excreting waste products and cleaning blood. Usually used as a vegetable.

In addition, people suffering from fatty liver should use fresh fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, chrysanthemum, spinach . with the effect of cooling the liver; tomatoes, carrots, bamboo shoots, squash, melon, melon, cucumber . have the effect of heat, cover, onion, diuretic; vegetable oils such as peanut oil, sesame oil, soybean oil contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids that reduce blood cholesterol; low fat fish meat and foods made from soybeans, green beans, black beans .

For drinks, one of the following herbal teas should be used:

3g dry tea , described 15g. Two things will work with boiling water in a sealed container, after 20 minutes it will work. Has the effect of protecting liver, fat, diuretic, slimming. Modern research shows that cholera has the effect of adjusting blood lipid disorders, lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoproteins, contributing to preventing arteriosclerosis.

Dried tea 2g, 10g needle (can be replaced by yellow turmeric), licorice 5g gold star, honey 25g. All crushed, braked with boiling water, drink during the day. Used to make the liver relaxed, eliminate the accumulation of sores and diuresis. Needle deposition has been shown to modulate blood lipid disorders quite well.

Dried tea 3g, sand base (cassava cassava) 10g, lotus leaf 20g. All crushed to drink instead of tea. Has the effect of detoxifying, lowering blood fat, reducing fat. It is also possible to use fresh or dry lotus leaves to stop drinking tea instead of daily tea.

Tea tree root 30g, marked 60g, draft 12g. All dice are taken daily. Has the effect of reducing blood fat and preventing obesity. The tea is very suitable for people with liver fat associated with dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease.

Fresh tea 30g, born 10-15g paint. Two drinks boil water daily. Uses to reduce fat. Modern pharmacological research has shown that lacquer works to regulate blood lipid disorders very well and contributes to the metabolism of sugar and fat in the liver.

Flower tea 2g, bare packaging 2g, Bach Linh 5g. Three things were crushed with boiling water in a sealed container, after 20 minutes, it was okay to use it, drink tea instead of the day. There is a low rate of impaction, diuretic except talk.

Attention should be paid to abstaining from overweight foods and foods such as animal fats, egg yolks, brain and animal liver, butter, hot and spicy things like ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, wine, coffee , solid tea.