Discover more health benefits of raisins

Many people believe that raisins can cause tooth decay because it contains many sugars and adheres to teeth.However, a recent study published in the Journal of Food Science (USA) recently showed that raisins not only prevent tooth decay but also bring many health benefits.

Picture 1 of Discover more health benefits of raisins

According to experts, raisins do not stick to teeth long enough to cause tooth decay, but on the contrary it can help remove food particles stuck in the teeth. In particular, raisins have been found to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Based on a comprehensive review of nearly 80 studies, experts found that consumption of raisins may reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, contributing to improving the ability to control blood sugar in the disease. Diabetes and helpful in weight loss or weight control efforts.

In addition, consumption of grape products also helps to get better eating habits. Analysis of the US National Center for Nutrition and Health Survey (NHANES) for a period of 5 years shows those who consume fresh grapes, raisins or pure grape juice with a total consumption of other fruits, the Darker vegetables and important nutrients like fiber, vitamins A, C, calcium, magnesium and potassium are more than those who do not consume grapes. On the other hand, grapes users also consume less calories, eat less fat, sweeter and use less alcoholic drinks than the control group.