Discover the largest constellation ever

American astronomers have found the largest constellation ever. This galaxy contains hundreds of galaxies seven billion light-years from Earth.

The Harvard-based astrophysics researcher Smithsonian succeeded in discovering this constellation using the Antarctic telescope (STP).

Picture 1 of Discover the largest constellation ever
The galaxy constellation consists of hundreds of galaxies 7 billion light-years from Earth.

Because of the distance from Earth to this galaxy constellation of seven billion light-years, astronomers saw this galaxy as the galaxy's constellation of seven million years ago, when the universe was only half the current universe. At, and the solar system has not yet existed, the researchers explained.

" This galaxy constellation is actually a constellation of ancient galaxies, meaning that this constellation originates from the period of the history of the universe for the first two billion years ," Brodwin added.

The Harvard-Smithsonian team of scientists hopes to find many giant galaxy clusters after the survey of the Antarctic telescope is complete.

" After many years of trying, initial successes were very encouraging. The survey of the Antarctic telescope will be completed next year and will rewrite the book on the giant galaxy constellation present in the early universe. "Mr. Brodwin said.