Discover the mechanism of solar storms near Earth

Solar storms, intense physical eruptions from the sun into outer space, can cause near-Earth "cosmic weather".

>>>Capture the mysterious area of ​​the Sun.

Space weather can cause all kinds of losses, from interfering with the operation of telecommunications systems, making GPS inaccurate, to large-scale power outages or worse, destroying satellites. Key.

Picture 1 of Discover the mechanism of solar storms near Earth
The magnetosphere (green bubble) protects the Earth from the sun's wrath - (Photo: NASA)

Experts from the University of California at Los Angeles (USA) have partnered with the Austrian Space Research Institute and the Japan Space Exploration Agency in an effort to understand the space environment around the Earth and how to weather the Universe. cylindrical shape.

They said they finally measured the release of magnetic energy, thanks to six spacecraft around the Earth, and the results from NASA's ARTEMIS mission.

Accordingly, the cosmic weather began to grow inside the Earth's magnetosphere , ie a giant magnetic bubble that shielded the planet from magnetic air moving at supersonic speeds ejected from the sun.

During the magnetic storm, some solar energy penetrated the magnetosphere, stretching bubbles from the shape of a drop of water with a tail to millions of kilometers into space, according to a journal published in Science.