Discovered a strange shark with a face... of a pig

A shark with a strange pig face was discovered by sailors on a navy ship in the area of ​​Elba Island, Italy in late August.

A strange-looking shark with a pig-like face was discovered by sailors on a navy ship in the waters of Portoferraio town, Elba island, Italy at the end of August.

This shark is an Angular species, sometimes called the pig-faced shark.

It is also listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. They are rarely seen because they usually live at a depth of 700 m.

Picture 1 of Discovered a strange shark with a face... of a pig
The strange shark has a pig face.

When photos of the shark Angular were shared online, it caused a stir among netizens. Many people believed that the shark was deliberately captured and killed.

After being lifted out of the water, the rare fish was taken to the port office for study. Yuri Tiberto - an employee at the Elba Aquarium shared with the press that this shark is very rare but not unprecedented. The shark is often called a porpoise because when it comes out of the water, it makes a sound like a "grunt".

Picture 2 of Discovered a strange shark with a face... of a pig
Angular Shark.

Angular sharks are commonly found in the eastern Atlantic from Norway to South Africa, including the entire Mediterranean. They can also be found in Mozambique.

At birth, Angular sharks are about 25 cm long. Their typical adult size is close to 1 m. However, there are Angular sharks that can reach about 1.5 m in length.

The angular shark (Oxynotus centrina) lives in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to South Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. It specializes in eating fish, crustaceans, mollusks, marine worms and shark eggs, according to Live Science. Unlike large, muscular predators like the great white or hammerhead shark, this strange shark has a flat head, large eyes and a pink snout.

The Angular shark is a meter long and has a stout, grayish-brown body with two large sail-like dorsal fins. It has a triangular shape when viewed from the front. Like all sharks, its skin is covered with denticles, flat, V-shaped tooth-like structures made of flesh, dentin, and enamel. While all sharks have denticles, the Angular shark's denticles are particularly large and prominent, giving them a rough appearance. Scientists aren't sure why, but it may help protect them from larger predators.

Along with their furry-looking faces, the Angular shark also has a short, flat snout with oversized nostrils. These strange features are related to their way of life. They spend most of their time swimming above the seafloor, searching for food. They often move slowly and suck in their prey. The Angular shark has razor-sharp lower teeth for cutting flesh, as well as conical upper teeth for biting through slippery prey.

Recent research has shown that Angular sharks also eat the eggs of other sharks. In 2015, scientists discovered captive Angular sharks that were exclusively feeding on the eggs of the gill-finned fish. Although the sharks have little commercial value, their large dorsal fins and spines make them vulnerable to entanglement in fishing nets, and they are listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List.