Discovered the 4500-year-old tomb of the anonymous Egyptian queen

Czech archaeologists in Egypt have announced the discovery of a royal tomb of mysterious origin, believed to be an anonymous queen.

>>>Egypt discovered the queen's tomb dating back more than 3,000 years

Archaeological group led by the Egyptian Research Institute of the Czech Republic, associated with Charles University in Prague. They found the grave in the old cemetery of Old Kingdom in Abusir, southwest of the capital Cairo, Egypt, near the tomb of Pharaoh Neferefre, the ruler of Egypt during the 5th Dynasty (in 2498 - 2345 BC).

Picture 1 of Discovered the 4500-year-old tomb of the anonymous Egyptian queen
An unfinished pyramid construction from the time of Pharaoh Neferefre in Abusir, Egypt.

The base of the tomb was found inside the tomb area of ​​Pharaoh Neferefre, along with the unearthed inside of the new tomb, which said that its owner was "the king's wife" , so many houses The study suggests that the tomb is of a queen - the wife of the emperor Neferefre.

In a statement, the Egyptian Minister of Art Mamdouh al-Damaty said that the tomb may be of Queen Khentakawess III (dating back to 4,500 years) - the queen has never been known in research history. . According to the minister, the name of Queen Khentakawess III is only known when the tomb area is found.

Archaeologists found about 30 burial items, including 24 limestone pots, 4 bronze tools and some small statues in the tomb.

This new discovery will help scientists clarify some aspects of the 5th dynasty, along with the Fourth Dynasty, the period of the construction of the first pyramids.

This is considered to be the most important finding in the past few years, proving that Abusir is a place to keep many evidence of the reconstruction of ancient Egypt.