Discovered the extinct camel with a crocodile-like snout

Scientists at the University of Florida (USA) have said that they have discovered fossils of two extinct camel species in the Panama Canal region.

These two ancient camel species (scientific name: Aguascalietia panamaensis and Aguascalientia minuta ) are the oldest mammals found in Panama.

Picture 1 of Discovered the extinct camel with a crocodile-like snout
Camels have a long snout like crocodile (Photo:

According to the lead author of Aldo Rincon study, the ancient camel has a long snout, crocodile-like. Maybe they lived in ancient rainforests.

The discovery of scientists has shown the wide distribution of this mammal to the southernmost point in the Central American tropics of ancient times. They lived about 30 million years ago.

Previously there was also information that, in 1851, a herd of camels were imported into Panama, but they were not effective to use with mules and horses.