Discovered the most habitable place in the universe, more than our planet

Earth is the lucky planet in the middle of the rather small habitable zone of the Solar System, but the unluckiest in the universe. The most habitable world might be the region of space around binary Suns.

New research from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) shows that the place where life is abundant, with the most options for reproduction and development, is the vast Goldilocks (habitable zone) around stars like the Sun. , however, is not as solitary as our parent star, but doubles in pairs.

Picture 1 of Discovered the most habitable place in the universe, more than our planet
Mô tả về cách một hệ sao có trung tâm là 2 ngôi sao song sinh giống Mặt trời đang hình thành, dựa trên dữ liệu về NGC 1333-IRAS2A

"The results are exciting because the search for extraterrestrial life will be armed with some incredibly powerful new tools in the coming years. This enhances the importance of understanding how planets form. around different types of stars, helping to pinpoint particularly interesting places to probe for life," said Professor Jes Kristian Jorgensen, professor of the Daily Mail.

This new discovery builds on observations by the ALMA super telescope located in Chile, towards a young pair of stars about 1,000 light-years from Earth, named NGC 1333-IRAS2A, which is surrounded by a disk of dust.

The team fed the data into computer simulations to go back in time, study in detail how dust and gas accreted in the disks, the physical phenomena that took place, thereby providing scenarios. A clear record of past and future star system evolution.

In particular, the shared gravity created by the pairing affects the surrounding disk in a way that causes large amounts of matter to fall toward the stars, causing explosions that tore apart the disk of gas and dust.

These outbursts, in turn, ignite and break up wandering comets, causing them to hurl material - including lots of organic material, precious building blocks of life - into the protoplanetary disk. This is extremely important for building future habitable planets.