Diving aids like jets

The device weighs about 2kg, reaches a speed of 1.8m per second, dives 5 - 40m deep, uses 60 minutes continuously on a full charge.

A device that helps divers swim faster with the same design as a miniature jet called MixPro pharmaceutical company Sublue introduced at CES recently held in Las Vegas (USA).

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Sublue's MixPro diving support device reaches a maximum speed of 1.8 m per second.(Photo: Venturebeat).

It is a compact device, weighing about 2 kg, users can control with two hands to achieve underwater speeds of up to 1.8 m per second. Continuous use for 60 minutes on a full charge. The device has a small LED screen that displays basic parameters such as movement speed, power consumption and battery status.

While many types of vehicles that support underwater movement only surf on the surface, MixPro has the ability to separate parts, for acceleration and diving 5-40 m deep under the water.

MixPro also has a built-in artificial intelligence camera to help users observe and record their surroundings through bluetooth connectivity with a smartphone mounted on it.

Sublue currently owns 190 patents. The company estimates that there are about 65% of users wishing to swim underwater entertainment and this is a potential market. Expected MixPro will be launched on the market in February 2020 with prices from $ 5,000-6,000.