Fighter with spare parts made from 3D printer tried to fly

A 3D-powered fighter jet was successfully tested in the UK in December, defense company BAE Systems announced on Jan. 5.

Picture 1 of Fighter with spare parts made from 3D printer tried to fly
A designer is looking at a 3D printer at an exhibition in the UK - (Photo: AFP)

The cockpit for cockpit radio protection and accessories for the landing of the Tornado fighter are all made up of 3D printers, AFP leads the BAE Group report.

The announcement came after the NASA successfully tested a jet engine made with a 3D printer in August 2013, in the context of the airline's search for a new aircraft. How to produce cheap and economical motor parts.

'You can create accessories wherever you want, just take your 3D printer with you. This means you can produce on other sites such as ships and carriers, " said Mike Murray of BAE Systems.

UK Defense Group says some of the components from the 3D printers cost less than $ 165 and could save the UK government millions of dollars a year.