Do dogs think like humans?

A group of American scientists, the Emery University in Atlanta are using nuclear imaging imaging to find out what our four-legged friends think - the Los Angeles Times newspaper reported.

Gregory Berns, the leader of the research team explained their intentions: ' We want to know the nature of the relationship between people and dogs, from a human perspective. For example, the owners think that their pet dog loves him, but the fact that he loves the owner or loves only the dishes that the owner gives him. '

Picture 1 of Do dogs think like humans?

According to him, this is the first time biologists have conducted 'dog thinking' research thanks to specially trained dogs, voluntarily jumping into research devices and being able to sit still and remain motionless. in about 10-15 seconds necessary for brain imaging. In the past, to study dogs' brains, people had to use anesthesia to record signals from their brains, so the results did not reflect accurately and did not determine what they were thinking. Berns admitted: "The most difficult thing is how to prevent dogs from responding to vibrations or noises emitted by magnetic resonators."

Scientists are trying to explain these highly developed and obedient animals to be aware of their owners, familiarity or smell, to understand their language as well as to check re-examining their level of mercy towards their owners in a rather strange way: taking pictures of their owners in the eyes of dogs when they take sharp needles into their owners and monitor their reaction.

Certainly the conclusions that the group draws will be very interesting, surprising many people and also very helpful.