Do not underestimate when you have bad breath because you have encountered dangerous diseases later

People with bad breath not only feel uncomfortable, lack of confidence in communication but the body is likely to suffer from a number of diseases such as sinusitis, diabetes, kidney disease.

Hepatitis B

For patients with hepatitis B besides the appearance of symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, liver pain . smelly breath is also a sign that hepatitis B is attacking the human body.

Doctors explain that people with hepatitis B's bad breath are caused by liver damage by the hepatitis B virus, which causes impaired liver functions, causing the body to produce too much ammonia and bacteria in the oral cavity.

Picture 1 of Do not underestimate when you have bad breath because you have encountered dangerous diseases later
Bad breath can be caused by hepatitis B.


If the smell of fruity tastes like fruity or the smell of nail polish is likely to be a problem with diabetic ketoacidosis. When the body cannot use sugar as a source of energy but only fat is "fuel", during the process of lipolysis, waste will accumulate in the body through the respiratory system, causing breathing to bad smell.


The diseases of the sinus nose also cause bad breath. The pharyngeal infections such as pharyngitis, bar-air-bronchial ulcer, congenital pathology of the nasal cavity such as cleft palate . are also conditions for bacteria to proliferate and make breath foul.

Lung disease

The smell can also be caused by acute and chronic lung diseases. Among them can be laryngitis, trachitis, pneumonia, lung abscess and some other diseases.


The breath will smell fish if you have kidney failure. When the kidneys get in trouble, the toxins in the body will not be removed from the blood. Therefore, waste will accumulate in the body and spread to the respiratory system. That's the answer why the breath is bad.

Measures to reduce mouth odor

Depending on the cause of bad breath, there will be appropriate treatment. Need to pay much attention to the problem of oral hygiene, brushing teeth after eating, clean up all food in the mouth, between teeth. Use dental floss to cut teeth to clear food stuck there.

Picture 2 of Do not underestimate when you have bad breath because you have encountered dangerous diseases later
Treat bad breath by clean oral hygiene.

Treat tooth decay, gingivitis, oral diseases , keep your mouth moist by drinking water, if your tongue is closed, shave your tongue but avoid causing your tongue to be injured, if you wear dentures properly.

Avoid foods that can cause bad breath in the mouth . Eat lots of fruits and vegetables; limit meat and fat, avoid cheeses that have a strong odor. Avoid drinking too much alcohol and tobacco.

Oral aromatherapy products containing peppermint or wintergreen oils only have a short-term effect on bad breath after use, not cured.

Mouthwash should be used in the evening is the time when bacteria work hard. Gargles have chlohexidine gluconate or cetylpyridinium chloride, benzethonium chloride, sodium bicarbonade, zinc chloride are all very good.

Bad breath is a disease that has many physical causes. However, there are cases where the subjective and amplified perception of the patient causes loneliness, isolation from the people around him due to fear of communication. Need to visit medical facilities and experienced health professionals to determine the condition.