Dogs can reveal the owner's personality

Most dog breeders often appear to be more unfriendly and angry than others, psychologists say.

Deborah Wells and Peter Hepper, two researchers at the University of Belfast in Northern Ireland, recruited 147 dog owners from psychological classes in Northern Ireland. These people feed dogs of the German shepherd, Rottweiler, Labrador hunter or Scottish yellow-haired dog. The team asked them to fill out a personality survey, Livescience reported.

Picture 1 of Dogs can reveal the owner's personality
A dog belongs to Rottweiler.

'German shepherd dog, Rottweiler is famous for being aggressive, while the golden retriever and the golden retriever are more calm , ' said Wells.

The results of the analysis of the questionnaires show that aggressive dog owners are more likely to get angry and lack sympathy with their homosexuals than owners of calm dogs.

The two researchers said that it is very likely that tempered people tend to choose evil dogs to train them.

"Perhaps those who are hot-tempered and lacking in sympathy with others like pets that have the same personality , " Wells said.

However, Wells also guessed that the selection process of dogs could be influenced by other factors. For example, some people like to keep big dogs, not caring about the severity of dogs.

'If a hot-tempered person owns a fierce dog, we should not conclude in a hurry that the animal will be a threat to society,' Wells commented.

Another study, published in Anthrozoos in May, demonstrated that controversial people tend to keep dogs angry.

Research by Wells and Hepper will appear in Personality and Individual Differences in October.