Dogs are also pessimistic - optimistic like people

Researchers at the University of Australia point out that dogs also have the same personality and emotional state.

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Recent research by scientists at the University of Sydney (Australia) points out that dogs also have the same personality and emotional state as humans. More specifically, sometimes dogs are as optimistic and pessimistic as us.

To make this conclusion, experts have experimented with dogs. Thereby, they train the dog to distinguish between two different sounds. A sound comes with a half-bowl of free milk rewards, while the second sound will come with half a bowl of water.

Picture 1 of Dogs are also pessimistic - optimistic like people

Once the dogs have learned how to combine each sound with the reward, experts will let them hear other kinds of ambiguous sounds - unfamiliar tunes and record the reactions that he dog has shown.

Experts found that some dogs responded positively to the sound that they were always positive and accepted risks, even if doing so may not receive rewards.

Meanwhile pessimistic dogs will not have any reaction. It seems they are always cautious and do not want to risk each challenge. Therefore, they are still investigating and not taking any action.

Picture 2 of Dogs are also pessimistic - optimistic like people

Dr Melissa J. Starling, head of the study, said: "The number of pessimistic dogs may be more than optimistic dogs, they are often slow, careful in their tasks while the dogs are optimistic will appear confidently, without fear ".

However, the experts found, what is too bad is not good because if a dog is too optimistic about his ability will also cause many distractions. They may be suitable for drug and explosives detection training but are not a good option in navigating.

Picture 3 of Dogs are also pessimistic - optimistic like people

Dr Melissa J. Starling added: "This study is extremely interesting because it helps us better understand both the positive and negative emotions that exist in each dog. Over here, Experts have a better insight into how to view life from a dog perspective. "

The study was published in PLoS ONE Magazine.

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