Humor has the power of optimism. Humor makes it easy to handle awkward situations with a single sentence, helping them build relationships.

In a survey of 26 countries in the world by Ipsos, China is full of confidence with 87% of people believing that their country is developing in the right direction, Shanghaiist

Scientists have recently discovered a personality factor that can help you earn more than 63 million per year.

Science has another answer about how many people are lucky to escape plane accidents, missing aircraft or win jackpot lottery ...

Optimism not only makes life fun but also enhances the body's immune system, helping people to avoid disease.

Owning a good genome is an important factor that makes people feel loved. But there are many other easier ways to enjoy the feeling of happiness and contentment.

If you always feel pessimistic, maybe your father and mother are the cause because they have passed on a gene that determines this.

Researchers at the University of Australia point out that dogs also have the same personality and emotional state.

The economic recovery and the reduction of unemployment in January 2012 raised the level of optimism and trust of Americans about current life and future plans. This helps them

Scientists point out that if the thinking is optimistic about their health, the chances of living 3.3 times longer than those who think pessimist, according to Reuters.