Dolphins rescue whales
A dolphin appeared in time and rescued two whales that were trapped on a coast in New Zealand. In the meantime, it took people more than an hour to free the victim and failed.
Environmental conservation officer Malcolm Smith said his team took an hour and a half to bring the whales to the sea but could not do anything. Big fish often run aground and both people and animals are tired
in finding a way out. Their outcome is usually surrender. But then a dolphin appeared, exchanged with whales and led them to swim safely.
The nasal dolphin, known by the locals as Moko, is famous for often playing with seafarers in Mahia off the eastern side of the North Island.
"I don't understand whale and dolphin sounds," Smith said. "But it is obvious that something happens when the two whales change their attitude from being very depressed to willing to swim the dolphin, along the coast and straight into the ocean. The dolphin did it. something that we can't do. It only takes a few minutes. "
Mr. Smith felt that he was very lucky to witness this impressive event, and he was very happy for the whales. Previously, his group had to give up many times before animals were stranded.
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