Dream Decoding: What does it mean to be

Check immediately the meaning hidden behind the dream full of ghosts that everyone will experience in life.

When people sleep, everyone dreams and of course, the number of times we encounter a strange dream is not less.

So what do those "horrible" dreams have? Many scientific studies have shown, every dream reflects a part of your own psychology and a dream about nude to reveal more secrets than you think!

From Western psychoanalysis perspective, everyone will experience this "naked" dream at least once and it has many meanings. Overall, it is a manifestation of rebirth, the natural and pure nature of the soul.

Picture 1 of Dream Decoding: What does it mean to be
The dream "wears nothing" represents deep hurt.

Besides, the dream "wears nothing" represents deep hurt, deep shame in the depths of your people, sometimes reflecting a lack of confidence, showing doubt about yourself.

If you feel happy and comfortable in that dream , it shows that you are the one who dares to think, dare to do, want to "take down" all the outer layers but want to publicize your true self.

On the contrary, if you feel shy, shy, painful with your dreams , it shows that you are having too much pressure. And these pressures partly cause problems for themselves. Is it the feeling of shame, trying to hide the fear that makes you shrink, afraid to communicate.

It's easy to understand because clothes are used as a form of body protection from the outside world. When the clothing layer is removed, we become fragile. Vulnerable to people around because there is no protective layer on them. At this point, you will try to hide yourself in every possible way.

And yet, if you dream you find yourself naked in public . This indicates that you are embarrassed and try to hide something for fear that others may know.

Picture 2 of Dream Decoding: What does it mean to be
Nude dream expression of rebirth, natural and pure nature in the soul.

Not only that, psychologists also believe that dreaming about yourself "uncovered" shows that you are trying to become the person you are trying to build an image (maybe you haven't? how to shape it to impress others.

This dream will appear often when you are in a new work environment or in a new relationship. This also shows that you are feeling apprehensive in expressing your true feelings.

Therefore, experts believe that, although this dream sometimes reflects fear, your insecurity worries, only fear of misunderstanding will be hurt, denied feelings . but don't be too Get in there and lose your own spirit.