Drugs from shark

Sharks are medium and large cartilage fish, living in the sea. Many species are used as drugs such as angelfish shark (Squalus brevirostris Tanaka, Squalidae family), tiger shark or zebrafish ( Heterodontus zebra Gray, Heterodontidae ), whale shark or giant shark, whale shark (Cetorhinus maximus Gunther, family Cetorhinidae).

The shark species are often exploited to get the liver to make fish oil, especially whale shark and sharks.

In traditional medicine and folk experience, the shark is used as a fishpond, consisting of meat, liver, skin and fins.

Picture 1 of Drugs from shark Shark meat contains high levels of protid, 1.9% lipid, including 0.5% omega-3 fatty acids, sweet, salty, average, non-toxic, effective in strengthening the body, increasing energy , stasis, paralysis. According to ancient documents, shark is used to make medicine such as deaf fish. Minced shark meat is 250g fresh, finely chopped, cooked with 25g to 9g corn stubble. Remove corn stubble, then eat a drink to treat diabetes.

Shark's liver accounts for 10-15% of the fish's body weight, contains about 50% of oil with higher levels of vitamins A and D than mackerel liver oil. Medicinal herbs are bitter, average, non-toxic, effective against tuberculosis, cancers, light eyes. Shark's liver cooked with young strawberry leaves or young convoluted leaves, can cure night blindness. Use 5-7 days. Sharktail liver oil taken by drops has a nutritious, strong bone effect like mackerel liver oil.

Sharkskin is fresh or dried, cooked with water and low in salt, it is thickened and used daily to treat finger swelling and pain, itchy pain (Nam pharmacy signs).

Shark fin is sweet, salty, average, has the effect of gas, appetizer, is used in the form of food - the medicine or the form of organ powder is damaged and unstable.