Eating radishes cure many diseases

According to Oriental medicine, fresh radish is spicy, cool. The radish cooked sweet, peaceful, regret and taste. Radish is used to treat many different diseases.

Picture 1 of Eating radishes cure many diseases

Turnip (Photo: People)

White radish is the root of the radish. Cabbage in addition to using tubers as food also uses leaves (to boil and pickle salt). The radish is processed quite a lot of dishes: sliced ​​salted pickle, boiled and eaten water, stored with meat, fried with eggs or meat, cooked soup, made salad, soaked fish sauce into pickled melon, eaten all year round, dried reserve for making melon.

Radish has many features and uses.Most concentrated on respiratory therapy group (cough, asthma, sputum, asthma, chest tightness, hoarseness, loss of voice, hemoptysis, tuberculosis) and digestive disease (such as epigastric pain, Heartburn, vomiting, dyspepsia, abdominal distention, constipation, domosis, hemorrhoids).

In addition, it also cures some diseases in the urinary system due to low heat (low urination, pelvic, sharp, cloudy, gravel; cure some metabolic diseases (fat, stagnant, diabetes .); about blood (active blood, only blood to prevent bleeding when urinating, tuberculosis), also has special use as detoxification when poisoned by toxic gas caused by coal, gas, poison of alcohol, coffee, welding and enlightenment ginseng poison.

According to modern medicine, every 100g of radish has: water 93,5g, 0,06g protein, fat 0,1g, total sugar 5.3g is mainly absorbable sugars (glucose, fructose); minerals needed for the body such as calcium 32mg, phosphorus 21mg, iron 0.6mg, manganese 0.41mg, bromine 7mg .; B vitamins such as B1 0.02mg, 0.033mg B2, niacin 0.3mg, vitamin C 25mg and many amino acids.

We would like to introduce some experiences of using radish as food and medicine:

Chemical sputum, gas benefits, cough, tonic. Some of the following medicine dishes (radish pie) can be used:

Lesson 1: White radish, wheat flour 500g each, 2g monosodium glutamate, 1g pepper powder, canola oil 50g, 5g salt, sesame oil 15g, 300g meat.

The radish washed the fibroblasts, stir-fried the fiber with the mustard oil, and added the sweet flour, salt, pepper, and meat to make the bread.

Lesson 2: White radish 250g, fresh ginger 15g, canola oil 50g, wheat flour 250g, onion 15g, 100g lean pork, 3g salt. Do as above.

Lesson 3: 125g white radish, white onion (remove green leaves) 50g, chicken eggs 60g, sesame 5g, wheat flour 500g, sugar 50g, salt 60g, 5g monosodium glutamate, 25g sesame oil, fat. Do as above.

Cure a lot of cough, depression

White radish 1kg, 1kg pear, fresh ginger 250g, milk 250g, honey 250g. Pear peeled off seeds, radishes, fresh ginger washed finely chopped. Put each item into a bucket of cloth to squeeze water separately. Pour the radish juice, pear to boil big to boil, reduce the fire until it thickens, then add the ginger, milk, honey to stirring. When cold, put it in a closed bottle and use it gradually, each time a tablespoon is mixed in hot water to drink. Twice a day.

Cure tuberculosis (with chest tightness, coughing up blood): High in fresh radish.

Fresh radish 1kg, fresh pear 1kg, fresh ground 500g, fresh lotus flower 1kg, fresh mondo grass 500g, fresh roots 1kg, fresh ginger 100g. All boiled for 30 minutes, squeezed the water, cooked it again, then re-entered it high for the following: a delivery of 500g, alum sugar 500g, honey 500g, cooked into high-density, put into a jar. Drink twice a morning in the morning. Each time 2 tablespoons (3ml) mix warm water or slowly swallow.

Dry mouth, constipation: Eat fried radish with garlic.

Cure hoarseness , lose the sound of fresh or crushed radish juice. If you are afraid of cold, mix with fresh ginger juice to swallow. Can make turnip jam. If combined with the price of green beans, the higher the effect, the better the combination with garlic, but the garlic is pungent and long out of smell.

Treatment of pain due to gallstones: Turned into a thick piece of cabbage with a white or light yellow honey (do not use dark brown honey). After drying, soaking honey and then drying again, eating radish soaked.

Jaundice, hydration: 60ml of radish juice drink instead of tea daily.

Treatment of ulceration of the oral cavity due to heat .

Treatment of dysentery (dysentery): The radish leaves water with little honey to boil and drink, in the early morning, it does not eat breakfast.

Diabetes: Radish 200g, 50g glutinous rice, 50g glutinous rice, cooked into porridge. Eat hot twice a day, eat many days.

Pumpkin due to heat accumulation: Fresh radish 200g, 100g onion, 50g rice, spices, 300ml water. Cook new porridge for onions, beets. Boil again. Eat 2 times fasting.

Support for cancer treatment:

- Lung cancer coughs up blood: 50ml radish juice, 15g alum sugar, hydroponic boil, on a ladder.

- Stomach cancer of the esophagus, vomiting: Radish pounded to squeeze water, add water, honey, cooked. Or beet juice add honey, mix water well, drink it daily.