Effective green scorpion venom for cancer treatment

President of Cuba's Labiofam Pharmaceutical Company José Antonio Fraga on April 6, announced that the company's scientists have successfully prepared a cancer medicine called "Ecoazul" from the green scorpion venom, with the name science is Rhopalurus junceus .

Picture 1 of Effective green scorpion venom for cancer treatment Labiofam is doing copyright registration procedures to be able to sell and export this drug. Cuba's drug control agency has also issued a circulation permit for "Ecoazul."

Speaking at the press conference, Mr. Antonio Fraga said that the potential clinical trial of this product in Cuba, Venezuela, Italy, Spain and France has yielded very positive results.

Later, clinical trials on 8,000 patients also showed good results. Green scorpion venom has high anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

In the past year, thousands of patients from many countries around the world have come to Cuba for free trial treatment of "Ecoazul", Antonio Fraga said.

Labiofam has now expanded its green scorpion farms across the country to increase the output of "Ecoazul" to meet the patients' treatment needs. "Ecoazul" is an oral medication and has not been contraindicated during testing.