Viagra and green tea mixtures help kill cancer

The Journal of Medical Investigation (JCI) on January 25 published an experimental study on mice showing that drugs for treating erectile dysfunction in men and green tea ingredients are effective in fighting against Cancer cells when they are combined together.

Professor Hirofumi Tachibana of Kyushu University's Graduate Institute in Southern Japan, who chaired this research, said the clinical trials of this treatment on humans are expected to begin in the US by the end of the year. 2013. However, he warned people not to arbitrarily carry out this treatment at home due to concerns about possible side effects.

Picture 1 of Viagra and green tea mixtures help kill cancer

In 2004, Professor Tachibana published a catechin compound called EGCG, an ingredient in green tea, capable of controlling cancer cell activity although some researchers suspect the therapeutic effect of this substance. Later, Mr. Tachibana identified an enzyme in the body called PDE5 that could undermine the effect of EGCG.

Because erectile dysfunction drugs like viagra will help inactivate PDE5, Professor Tachibana injected these drugs into mice with leukemia at the same time as EGCG and found cancer cells. increase. Meanwhile, the cancer cells disappeared when the mixture was injected into mice and received human breast cancer cells.

In vitro studies have also been conducted for other cancers such as pancreatic, stomach and prostate cancer, and this treatment has been shown to be more effective than cancer treatments. current letter.