Electromagnetic waves can affect humans?

In the French magazine ' Future Science ' recently published a scientific article on electromagnetic waves. In the article, electromagnetic waves exist everywhere, so does it affect human health? Along with the popularity of phones, transceiver stations or 3G waves, makes people increasingly interested in this issue.

Everyone knows that radio or television stations, communication phones, telecommunications satellites in the universe can all be made possible by the existence of electromagnetic waves. Radiators, microwaves, wireless networks and X-rays also operate through electromagnetic waves. It seems that this whole world is not outside the scope of electromagnetic waves.

We all know that visible light is a type of electromagnetic wave. People may not know that, in fact, we are all in an extremely complex electromagnetic wave environment. Venus produces electrical waves, the human body can also produce extremely small electric waves. All active devices emit electromagnetic waves. Therefore, even without a mobile phone, without a computer, there is no wireless network in the house, it does not mean that you are not in an environment unrelated to electromagnetic waves. Take a simple example, as long as you open the radio, you will detect electromagnetic waves where, although not visible, but it is actually active that we do not see.

Picture 1 of Electromagnetic waves can affect humans?

The range of electromagnetic waves exists everywhere, with long waves, shortwaves, high quality waves, low quality waves, strong or weak intensity waves, with visible or invisible waves, but These types of waves are not visible more often than visible waves. Each type of electromagnetic wave is actually a type of energy, its volume is zero, but it carries electricity, called quantum, moving at the speed of light in a shocking environment. Electromagnetic waves collide with electromagnetic waves in the air everywhere in the universe. Small quanta in this light world can be called photons, people define it in terms of intensity, wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is almost the same as human footsteps, the wavelength can be as short as nanometers, which can be as long as several million kilometers. Frequency can be compared with breath or heart rate. The greater the wavelength of electromagnetic waves, the lower the frequency.

French broadcasting stations all use large wavelengths, the unit of wavelength is equal to 1000m. The short wavelength is calculated in m, stereo radio stations or transmitting radio programs on the plane all use this type of 1m wavelength, shorter wavelength is used on TV, mobile phones, Rada or microwave. Shorter is the infrared wave, followed by visible types of electromagnetic waves that occupy very little in the light. These types of electromagnetic waves also have shorter wavelengths than the above types of electromagnetic waves, including ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma rays. The shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy of the wave. This is why ultraviolet rays, X-rays or gamma rays are so dangerous. It can interact with each other, destroying material.

In fact, all the types of electromagnetic waves we use have a much longer wavelength than the wavelength of light, so theoretically the level of danger of electromagnetic waves we use Very low use . But whether the electromagnetic wave is dangerous or not, it depends on how far or near, the intensity is large or small between you and it.

We can take indoor heaters and electromagnetic waves to try a comparison. Whether it's a big or a small heater, but if you put your hand on the fire, even if it's only for a few seconds, your hand will definitely burn. If you put your hand at 50cm height, your hand will burn yellow. If it is about 2 ~ 3m away, it is both warm and not dangerous. But if you put your hand at a distance of 10m, it will lose the heating effect. If you want to collect energy from a fire heater, then the energy obtained by leaving it at a distance of 1cm in 1 minute is equivalent to the energy you get when stored at a distance of 1 meter for a week, but effective. completely different, electromagnetic waves are completely like that.

Picture 2 of Electromagnetic waves can affect humans?

Should not too close contact with electromagnetic waves will be beneficial for health, how far is the distance suitable? This is also determined by the intensity of the electromagnetic wave. Taking another simple example, electric shavers and cell phones, which devices will be harmful to health, are actually difficult to explain. An electric shaver that shaves an electromagnetic wave at a much higher rate than a cell phone, but you can only use it once or twice a day, so the impact level is not significant.

Mobile phones are, after all, harmful or controversial , but media experts often recommend that users should make phone calls on their ears and maintain their phones. The distance between the phone and the body is a very important thing, it is best to buy a headset, but should not use Buetooth headphones, because the intensity of the electromagnetic waves of Bluetooth is usually much larger. Much more than the electromagnetic wave of the phone.