Electronic books sell better than printed books

The UK's largest book retailer Amazon is selling more eBooks than printed books. For every 100 books sold online, the company sold 114 e-book titles.

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Amazon also said that the average number of books Kindle users buy today is four times higher than before they buy reading equipment.

Amazon's high e-book sales are significant thanks to the supposedly pornographic Fifty Shades of Gray (50 Gray's). Global sales of this book reached 31 million, with two million e-books sold in less than four months.

Picture 1 of Electronic books sell better than printed books
Electronic books are increasingly popular. (Source: BBC)

This number does not include eBook sales across other platforms, such as Apple's iBooks or Waterstones bookstore.

Amazon's sales are also driven by a growing trend of self-publishing. The number of authors using Kindle Direct Publishing increased 400% since the summer of 2011.

Among those authors is Kerry Wilkinson, one of the most successful self-published authors in the world. He sold 300,000 copies last year.

Amazon e-book sales on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Kindle e-book publisher in the UK market.