Elon Musk wants to use giant mirrors to heat Mars

Owner SpaceX wants to use giant mirrors to reflect sunlight and "heat up" Mars.

Earlier this week, SpaceX began selling T-shirts on its website with the slogan "Nuke Mars". This shirt partly describes Elon Musk's crazy plan, which is to drop nuclear bombs on Mars' poles and heat them up, while turning Mars into a habitable planet like Earth.

The plan was just the original intention but caused controversy. Some scientists warn that nuclear weapons can create giant clouds and cover Mars's atmosphere, blocking sunlight and making it cool faster. A recent study published in the journal Nature Astronomy also stated: "The Mars geomorphology cannot use current technology."

Undaunted by these predictions, Elon Musk said he still has many other ways to heat Mars. Elon Musk's latest plan is to use a giant mirror system that orbits Mars's orbit and reflects sunlight onto the surface of Mars.

Picture 1 of Elon Musk wants to use giant mirrors to heat Mars
Elon Musk's sharing lines on Twitter.

Writing on Twitter, Elon Musk said: "The use of thousands of satellites reflecting sunlight and heating Mars compared to artificial suns makes a lot more sense."

This is not the first time such a bold idea has been proposed. In 2006, NASA awarded a scholarship to a student at the University of Arizona to study the use of large and light aperture mirrors flying around Mars orbit to localize an area on Mars's surface, helping children. who can master this planet in the future.

Elon Musk asserts that Mars colonization is very important for human long-term survival, Spacex is developing a number of missiles and spacecraft with the ultimate goal of bringing people to Mars. . However, the planet's atmosphere and climate make it difficult for plants to grow, and it is difficult to build complex structures.

Despite the idea of ​​satellites using large-sized mirrors to reflect sunlight, Musk insists that the fastest way to solve the Mars habitat problem is to use particle weapons. multiply.

Picture 2 of Elon Musk wants to use giant mirrors to heat Mars
Musk insists, the fastest way to solve the problem of the Martian habitat is to use nuclear weapons.

Musk claims that the use of nuclear weapons on Mars will not produce deadly radiation and make the planet so devastating that it cannot be.

Musk's project addresses low-level nuclear explosions in the atmosphere to create the artificial Sun. Like the real Sun, it will not cause Mars to be radioactive.

SpaceX has not released any comments on Elon Musk's crazy idea.

  1. Billionaire Elon Musk suggests reforming Mars with a nuclear bomb
  2. Elon Musk wants to bomb Mars, turning into a place where people can stay