Everyone likes to squeeze this sponge, but you will be shocked to know its true purpose

Steam foams are now used to protect items during transport. But when it was born, its purpose was not like that.

Think back to it, the baby's day when someone buys new things is that you immediately open the box with an eager mood. Not that you enjoy the item, but basically because it contains this divine.

Picture 1 of Everyone likes to squeeze this sponge, but you will be shocked to know its true purpose
Perhaps everyone has squeezed bubble sponge like this right?

Those are slightly sponge , or bubble wrap (bubble wrap) that everyone likes. Even now, many people cannot give up the habit of touching and squeezing the bubbles inside them.

Today, the foam is used a lot when shipping goods. They contain air, forming a very effective cushion to protect goods and products so as not to be damaged by impact.

However, perhaps that information is well known by many people. But the purpose of this sponge is that very few people know it.

Picture 2 of Everyone likes to squeeze this sponge, but you will be shocked to know its true purpose
Today, the foam is used a lot when shipping goods.

The legendary sponge is actually for . walling

Indeed! The history of the bubble wrap started in 1957, invented by two Swiss engineers Alfred Filding and Marc Chavannes. However, their original goal was to create a wallpaper with a rough surface, not as smooth as usual, but to be striking.

As a matter of fact, by sticking two layers of bathroom blinds together, they had a wallpaper with a rough and prominent surface, but . could not be sold to anyone.

Picture 3 of Everyone likes to squeeze this sponge, but you will be shocked to know its true purpose
Bubble Wrap as wallpaper?

Incredibly, Fielding and Chanvannes turned it into an insulating product for greenhouse nurseries. Although the invention works, but . still can't sell to anyone.

However, three years later, the invention became "golden egg chicken" , and the person who did it was Frederick W. Bowers - marketing of the Sealed Air. The cause stems from October 5, 1959, when technology village giant IBM announced a new 1401 computer.

Bowers then came up with the idea of ​​using the other type of wallpaper as a cushion, helping to protect the computer during transport. And he successfully persuaded: IBM began buying air foams to protect not only the 1401 computer, but also many other fragile products of the company.

Thus the Sealed Air gradually became a giant company. Today, the company has an annual turnover of up to 4 billion USD. In particular, 10% of revenue comes from foam Bubble Wrap .