Everyone owns this part on the body but don't know why they exist

Many people think that this part is really "useless" but they are also "harmful".

Everyone believes that every part of the body has specific functions. These parts work together to create a living process for the whole body. However, due to evolution, some parts of the human body become "redundant". And this part is one of the redundant parts to talk about.

Now look at the picture and guess what - what is the name of this department?

Picture 1 of Everyone owns this part on the body but don't know why they exist

The answer is "coccyx" . According to experts, coccyx is the remnant from the tail of human ancestors.

My ancestors used to have tails, and went with 4 legs. But after millions of years of evolution, we went on two legs and used another system to balance, avoid falling.

Our gravitational part goes down to the spine, so there is no need for another side to balance the sizable weight from the head.

Picture 2 of Everyone owns this part on the body but don't know why they exist

According to Associate Professor Lauren Sallan at the University of Pennsylvania: "The tail is a trait from the ancestors of vertebrate animals. They are found in young fetuses, which are difficult to remove without harming the fetus. As a result, humans retain this tail but are hidden beneath the skin, like whale legs ".

And the removal of the tail bone helps us improve movement in upright posture. However, the remnant is the tailbone 3 - 5 sections located at the bottom back.

Picture 3 of Everyone owns this part on the body but don't know why they exist

The coccyx supports the weight when standing up and sitting down.

Many people believe this tailbone is completely useless. But in fact, they have a "mission" to keep some muscles, ligaments and tendons as well as support a person's weight when sitting down.