eWolf E2 - electric sports supercar

After the launch of the E1 sports car is not very successful due to the unusual design and the engine does not show much, just past, the young car company eWolf has continued to show model sports car models. The second electric motor has a very nice design called E2-EV.

This is an electric vehicle based on the original super sports car using gasoline engine and is able to operate as inferior to the gasoline car .

Picture 1 of eWolf E2 - electric sports supercar

E2-EV will be used by eWolf materials made from lightweight alloys with carbon fiber body. The car will also use Li-Tec Flat (84 cells with one cell weighing only one kilogram, measuring only 23cm x 18cm), allowing for interior design as well as neatly engineered cabinets. more, save more money.

E2-EV's electric engine will have a maximum power of 536 horsepower, 4-wheel drive and only 4.3 seconds accelerated from 0 to 100km / h. According to a report from eWolf, the maximum speed of this electric supercar is 160 km / h and weighs approximately 900 kg.

It is expected to be available in 2011 and distributed about a year later.

Picture 2 of eWolf E2 - electric sports supercar