Examination of milk teeth, detection of autism 90% accurate

American scientists have found a way to diagnose autism spectrum disorders early by examining baby teeth.

According to researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine (Mount Sinai, New York, USA), autism spectrum disorders record biomarkers on humans through metal metabolism in the body .

Human teeth contain growth rings that are quite similar to the rings we often see on tree trunks being cut across. However, these rings, which are the zinc cycle - copper, are so thin that it is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Picture 1 of Examination of milk teeth, detection of autism 90% accurate
Examination of baby teeth can diagnose autism 90% accurately, through new methods.(Artwork from the Internet).

Scientists used lasers to examine the teeth of 200 twins in Sweden, using algorithms to determine the correlation between zinc-copper rings and autism spectrum disorders, thereby diagnosing whether whether or not that child develops autism when growing up.

Over the years, babies up to age can diagnose autism through current methods. Comparing with diagnosis through earlier teeth, they found that the accuracy of the milk teeth test method was up to 90%.

A number of other tests on children in the US and the UK have produced similar results.

Happily, the researchers also found differences in zinc metabolism - this copper is not only found in baby teeth. Other biomarkers were discovered even in babies.

Therefore, the research team is still expanding seriously, to help diagnose autism through zinc metabolism - copper can be done in both newborn and unborn babies.

In autism spectrum disorder, early diagnosis of diagnosis plays an important role in designing an early intervention plan for children. Autism is a lifelong disease that cannot be cured but early intervention babies have a very high chance of being enrolled in regular schools, living normal lives, getting married and having stable jobs when grow up.