Exposing clothes to the home is harmful to health

Exposing wet clothes on a fireplace or indoor clothes rack may increase the risk of asthma, according to research by Scottish scientists.

Scientists from the Institute of Architectural Research Mackintosh (Scotland) conducted a survey of 100 families in this country during the period from September to May next year. They found that 87 families used indoor clothes racks and 64 families put wet clothes near the fireplace.

Picture 1 of Exposing clothes to the home is harmful to health
Exposing wet clothes to your home increases the risk of asthma. (Photo: Telegraph)

The research team also found that three-quarters of households had an average indoor humidity higher than the permitted level. In particular, 1/3 of the indoor humidity is generated by wet clothes that are kept in the house under poor ventilation conditions or closed windows.

Doctors believe that high indoor humidity is an ideal condition for fungal spores and mold growth. This can increase the risk of diseases such as asthma, seasonal fever and other mold allergies for people living in the home.

Professor Colin Porteous, an expert in environmental architecture and head of research, said that houses should be designed with outer space for drying clothes or the location of clothes racks that require good exhaust fans. to reduce the risk of mold allergies.

'People are drying wet clothes with indoor heating appliances that are harming their house. This not only wastes energy but also causes health risks for people living in the home due to high latency, 'Dr. Colin Porteous warned on the Telegraph.